Please click here to watch the video direct from You Tube.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Beyonce's Beauty...
I heard about this first on Twitter and then I heard about it on The Ellen Show. Chelsea is a small girl that was at her concert in Australia, She has cancer and Beyoncé pulled her from the crowd and dedicated Halo to her. I'm not going to lie, if you watch this video, be ready so shed some tears.
Please Click here to watch video direct from You Tube.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Top 15 Flix
Rules: Don't take too long to think about it. Fifteen movies you've seen that will always stick with you. First fifteen you can recall in no more than fifteen minutes. Tag fifteen friends, including me because I'm interested in seeing what movies my friends choose.
1.- Transformers
2.- The Net
3.- The Hangover
4.- Wall-E
5.- District 9
6.- Gamer
7.- The Anchorman
8.- Super Troopers
9.- Van Wilder
10.- Heat
11.- Jurassic Park
12.- Die Hard - ALL OF THEM
13.- Old School
14.- Wedding Crashers
15.- Remember the Titans
1.- Transformers
2.- The Net
3.- The Hangover
4.- Wall-E
5.- District 9
6.- Gamer
7.- The Anchorman
8.- Super Troopers
9.- Van Wilder
10.- Heat
11.- Jurassic Park
12.- Die Hard - ALL OF THEM
13.- Old School
14.- Wedding Crashers
15.- Remember the Titans
Friday, September 4, 2009
Not a Tosser of the Week, brought to you by
Oh man! I can't belive summer is almost over! It's time to hit the books because everyone is back to school. So many changes in so little time, lets just hope al this changes are for the right reasons and for the right cause.
I know some people are still making their efford and traying very, very hard to put their 2 cents and help keep our environment clean.
I was driving around the city, as usual, and I saw Mary walking towards Safeway to get some groceries. After talking to her for a while I asked her if she needed a hand carrying her groceries, it wasn't till then that I realized she was using reusable grocery bags, not only they ar great for the envoronment and you can use them 10 times over and over again, but they are also stronger than your usual plastic bags.
I never thought about that simple detail. They are stronger! more reliable if you are going to walk home, that way you can avoid a scene like the one on Home Alone where he's walking home with groceries and everything ends up on the sidewalk. (HAHAHA, I LOVED THAT MOVIE!)
Thank you mary for pointing out a little detail that makes a huge difference. Thank for for doing your share to keep our environtment clean.
Could you be the next nominee???
Check for more information on how you can help our environment and your pocket at the same time.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Not a Tosser of the Week, brought to you by
I know its back to school for almost everyone; some may have already been in school for the last couple of days (or week). The prices for some of the items that are required for this back to school season are just insane! This is one of the reasons why you should recycle. Just imagine your self taking advantage of all the back-to-school specials and paying for 1/3 of your bill with money that you got from recyclables!
I was up at Staples on 3030 - 32nd Ave NE, the corner of 32nd Ave and 29th St NE, helping them with the 4th Annual School Supply Drive and they had a ton of Specials on Back-to-School items, then I met Mary-Anne. Her and her boyfriend where picking up their computer from Staples and they where using some of their savings from recycling to pay for it.
I asked Mary-Anne, what are some of the items that she thinks people should focus more on recycling and she pointed out something that I never thought of. Try and picture how many people are buying bottles of water on a daily basis, and some of those people don't stop to think about recycling. All those plastic water bottles are just sitting there in the landfills and they sit there FOREVER!

I have to thank Mary-Anne for this lesson. I just got my self a spanking new Blue Bin from Staples to store my recyclables and make my trips easier to the bottle depot. I’m not a tosser. Are you?!
Could you be the next nominee???
Check for more information on how you can help our environment and your pocket at the same time.
I was up at Staples on 3030 - 32nd Ave NE, the corner of 32nd Ave and 29th St NE, helping them with the 4th Annual School Supply Drive and they had a ton of Specials on Back-to-School items, then I met Mary-Anne. Her and her boyfriend where picking up their computer from Staples and they where using some of their savings from recycling to pay for it.
I asked Mary-Anne, what are some of the items that she thinks people should focus more on recycling and she pointed out something that I never thought of. Try and picture how many people are buying bottles of water on a daily basis, and some of those people don't stop to think about recycling. All those plastic water bottles are just sitting there in the landfills and they sit there FOREVER!

I have to thank Mary-Anne for this lesson. I just got my self a spanking new Blue Bin from Staples to store my recyclables and make my trips easier to the bottle depot. I’m not a tosser. Are you?!
Could you be the next nominee???
Check for more information on how you can help our environment and your pocket at the same time.
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