Friday, September 4, 2009

Not a Tosser of the Week, brought to you by

Oh man! I can't belive summer is almost over! It's time to hit the books because everyone is back to school. So many changes in so little time, lets just hope al this changes are for the right reasons and for the right cause.
I know some people are still making their efford and traying very, very hard to put their 2 cents and help keep our environment clean.
I was driving around the city, as usual, and I saw Mary walking towards Safeway to get some groceries. After talking to her for a while I asked her if she needed a hand carrying her groceries, it wasn't till then that I realized she was using reusable grocery bags, not only they ar great for the envoronment and you can use them 10 times over and over again, but they are also stronger than your usual plastic bags.
I never thought about that simple detail. They are stronger! more reliable if you are going to walk home, that way you can avoid a scene like the one on Home Alone where he's walking home with groceries and everything ends up on the sidewalk. (HAHAHA, I LOVED THAT MOVIE!)

Thank you mary for pointing out a little detail that makes a huge difference. Thank for for doing your share to keep our environtment clean.

Could you be the next nominee???

Check for more information on how you can help our environment and your pocket at the same time.

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