Everyone asks me how is the MINI? I can only tell them "It's Awesome, so much fun to drive!" I had to get gas for the first time on Sunday Morning! I got the MINI on Friday at 4 pm and I've done A LOT of driving and didn't have to get gas until Sunday! I was blown away!
I was invited to be a honorable member of the MINI Club of Calgary and on Sunday we went for the first drive of the season around town then making a final stop at Cochrane for Ice Cream at MacKay's. I was impressed to see that they are all just people like you and me, with kids, jobs, and come from all walks of life. A MINI is a right fit for everyone, doesn't matter if you're in the computer biz, or if you are still going to school or just an employee. If you own a MINI or know someone that owns a MINI tell them to check the MINI Club of Calgary - they are fun people and I'm glad they welcomed me into their club.

This past week I went around the city introducing the MINI to listeners and people at different locations handing out cool prizing from the guys at MINI Crowfoot, and I still have plenty more to go around. Make sure you flag me down, I’ll pull over and hand some out to you.
Also, remember that you still have a couple of weeks left to get your Name suggestion for my MINI, so its personality can shine! Submit your name suggestion to adoptamini.ca and you could win a MINI experience for a weekend!
This week I want to see how many times I can pack my MINI, so I’m taking donations for the Calgary Food Bank. This is going to be a lightning round of donations, one day and one day only. It doesn’t matter if it’s one grocery bag or a box of donations, remember that every little bit counts.
I leave you all thanking you in advance for your kind donations, and I look forward to seeing you on Friday!