It's your shot to play a LIVE version of Beat the Bank this weekend!!! On Saturday January 31st, we'll be stationed at different ATB Financial locations around the city, accepting your entries to play Beat The Bank LIVE and win Tax Free Cash!!!
From 11am until 1:30pm on Saturday we'll be inviting you to enter to win....
Chinook Mall
ATB Financial/Chinook Mall SW Freeway and Meg
600-2555 32 Street NE
ATB Financial/Sunridge 32nd Street NE Erin Wilde
11680 Sarcee Trail NW
ATB Financial/Beacon Hill NW "Producer" Ian
3620 17 Avenue SE
ATB Financial/Forest Lawn SE "Goodwill Ambassador" Carlos Cuevas
202-917 85 Street SW
ATB Financial/West Springs SW JoJo
10 winners will be selected to play Beat the Bank at the West Springs ATB Location at 4pm. A chance to win up to $50,000!!! Good Luck....we'll see you Saturday.
Super Bowl is just around the corner or maybe you just have a casual party coming soon. I've been asked for my Special Salsa Ingridients. So for popular demand here it is...
Serves 1 Whole Party:
Limes (8) Onions (2) Tomatoes (4) Cilantro (One Third of a Cilantro Tie) Jalapeños (This one is up to you, I do 4) Oregano (Pinch) Salt (Add to Taste) Oil (1 Tablespoon)
*) Esqueeze the Lime Juice into a Bowl. *) Chop the Onions into small pieces and add to the Lime Juice. *) Chop the Tomatoes into small pieces just like the onions and add to the Lime Juice and Onions. *) Slice the Jalapeños into fine small pieces and add to the Onions, Tomatoes and Lime Juice. *) Chop and Add the Cilantro. *) Add a Pinch of Oregano *) Add Salt to Taste *) Add 1 Tablespoon of Oil.
Let it sit and rest for at least 30 - 45 Minutes. The acidity of the Lime Juice will "cook" the ingridients.
At the end... It should look something like this...
"I admit. It felt good to sleep in a clean room with springtime fresh sheets. I just hope I can keep it up! Especially now that all of Calgary is aware of my old *ahem* habits.
But check it... the cleaning bug bit hard this week and I was even motivated enough to tackle the post-holiday mess that was left in the living room.
You know how it goes... January hits, and you just can't muster up the energy after weeks of lethargic gluttony.
Ain't no thang really, it happens to us all... but the difference is pretty rad." - Ian's Blogg
It wasn't only fun but it was REALLY Beneficial for our Friend... Keep up the Good work Ian...
Frank and Meg discovered that Ian hasn't changed his bed sheets... in twelve... weeks.
So, of course they had to step in and check out the scene of the crime... It's CSI, Cleanliness Sunalta Intervention!
Freeway and Meg went in with face mask and gloves and I was armed with Face Mask and a Camera... here is how the event developed as we went in to check out the Crime Scene...
PS - The room is now Clean... thanks.
After all I would say that this intervention was succesful because the room is clean now.
This morning, Internet phenom Shane Mercado joined us on the Freeway and Meg Morning show live from NYC to announce his choice for the winner of the Single ladies/Beyonce Dance Off between Ian and Carlos.
IAN is the winner in Shane's mind, His reason "it seemed more close to Home, With the thight space...", In my defense I think that if make a comparison on body size to Room size ratio I think we are pretty even, but on the other hand I won the poeple's choice click with 714 video views and counting edging out Ian who received 669 page views.
You can check out Shane, the original diva here and add the already 1.9 million page views he's received for his video:
WATCH SHANE MERCADO!! (this version from the Bonnie Hunt Show)
You can also find more clips by YouTubing "Single Ladies Single Man" you will get more of the videos done by Shane...
Oh man! I can't belive I actually had the courage to actually do this video for all of you guys to enjoy, I'm not going to lie, I was a little shy at first, I really didn;t know on the outcome of what was I going to do, then Ian said something that made more sence for me to do, "focus on your strongest points".. Well Spanish is one of them, I'll add Spanish subtitles to mine! amd I know hgow to work a Camera and editing software... I'll take a few shot of a few moves from the video and Hopefuly it'll look good and funny at the same time... The final product... well, I think its funny and I had a lot of fun filming it at home... You tell me what you think... who knows, if you also decide that there is a song I should dance to I could start taking requests!...
PS... Thank you all for your reply and comments...
Ashley Bird at 7:31am January 8 Aaaaaahhhhh Carlos you're awesome!!!
Jeff Weber at 8:56pm January 7 I don't know whether to laugh or cry... Either way, I just gained a bunch of respect for you!
Michelle Mallet Beauchesne at 7:58pm January 7 Toooooo funny! Camlen says you HAVE to win!!!!
Kimberly McCorkell at 4:36pm January 7 OMG - beautiful!!!!LMAO good work.
Cory Knibutat at 10:32am January 7 LOL you guys really do a lot of hard work at the station huh? hahahaha
Diane Salerno Wells at 10:33am January 7 Thanks for making me laugh this morning!!! You were was great:))))
Robin Darsi at 10:07am January 7 That Video was AWESOME!! hahaha
stubbynumber (16 hours ago) Sorry carlos, i liked ians better