I've been thinking a lot lately on those little things in Life that create an everlasting memory in our minds.
While I was driving around the Calgary a few days back. I was doing a lot of thinking on how My life was going to change very fast. I wasn't freaking out, I was just thinking...
Then you I see that little something that makes me go and talk to someone, a little kid was drinking water out of a water bottle while he was running around with his mom to do some last minute shopping, he was probably half way thru the parking lot on the way in to look at some clothes and he asked his mom to open the car again he wanted to save a water bottle to take it to the Bottle Depot.
All of this happened in a matter of 2 minutes... How Much Can We Learn from Kids!?!?!?
If we all took a few minutes, literally, a Few Minutes!, Can you imagine how much of a difference could we do if we all took 1 water bottle and took it down to The Bottle Depot!? If we all decided to change to reusable Water Bottle instead of buying Bottled Water every time we go grocery shopping?!
I want to think Dimpel and Dhruv for helping in this well deserved change.

It's times like this when we are not in a city where we are used to recycle when we can truly see the difference. I was having supper at a Taco Stand here in Mexico (Me Eating? hardly ever) and I asked the Taco Vender when I was done with my order if he had a recycling bin for me to deposit my pop can, he actually said "leave it there with the rest of the garbage" (I think that I should actually quote "dejalo ahi con el resto de la basura") and looked at me in a funyn way.
I think that we should all learn from the little kids. No matter where you are form, and what we do, We could all make this a better place by just doing what’s right.
Could you be the next nominee???
Check www.dontbeatosser.com for more information on how you can help our environment and your pocket at the same time.