This week I met with Preston & Reid Wald. I was hanging out at a park and I saw Reid running towards a recycle bin, with not one, not two, but with 8 empty water bottles. She had a huge smile in her face while she was depositing those water bottles in the recycle bin. She seemed so happy. I asked her Dad, Preston, why do they recycle, and he said that is was actually something that they started because his kids took the initiative and brought that home for him and his wife to embrace.
Then Kate Walsh that moved to Calgary from out East and has been recycling for decades just because that's what she was tough to do while growing up and decided to keep on doing it.
And then you get Wonda Heater that works for Calgary Transit, and she recycles to help keep our planet clean. And when I asked her what does she do with the money she gets back from the bottle depot she said that she donates the money to the Children's Hospital.

Seriously, when you get cases like this, where your children are so filled with joy just because they know they are making a difference in everyone else's life, or where you recycle because you think its an awesome think to do, or when you recycle because not only you want to help keep our planet but also to use the money not for self indulging but for a greater cause.
Its amazing the reasons why someone would decide to recycle.
Why do you recycle?
Could you be the next nominee???
Check for more information on how you can help our environment and your pocket at the same time.
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