Back in April My wife and I had a few days off from work over the weekend and we decided to make a little vacation to enjoy a place we’ve both never been to and we both really wanted to see.
We decided to rent a car and drive down to Seattle, Washington. I have to say that I was really blown away by this city. I knew from conversations that I had with friends that it was a beautiful place. But even then, after seeing it with my own eyes, I think it was an under statement.
We decided to do all the touristy stuff we could do in the mere 3 days we where there. We stayed at the perfectly located Holiday Inn Express in Down Town Seattle. First thing we did on Friday; we went straight to the Seattle Premium Outlets and I’m thank full I decided to bring my Alberta ID Card with me because I found out that if you show your Alberta ID in Washington, pretty much any shopping place won’t charge you for taxes. So, the price you see on the tag, it’s pretty much what you pay! So, if a wallet at the Coach Outlet, for example, says 19.99, you really only pay 19.99! After noticing how much we where saving, we decided to buy a little more!
On Saturday we really where tourists in Seattle; I followed the suggestion of one of my friends on Facebook and went to Ride the Ducks! At first when she told me I wasn’t sure what to expect, but as soon as I saw them ridding around Seattle I told my wife that we had to do it! They take you on a trip around the city and they point out some of the spots that have been featured on cool movies like Sleepless in Seattle and 10 Things I Hate About You and unlike any other tour this one is really funny, kudos’s to all their Wacky Captains/Drivers, they now how to put the show on the road! When the tour finally came to an end right across the street from Ride The Ducks where the 2 places I really wanted to check out; Experience Music Project & Science Fiction Museum. You can’t miss it, it looks awesome on the outside and it’s just as cool on the inside. If you are a music fan you should go and see it with your own eyes and if you are a geek at heart you really should check out the Science Fiction Museum. The convenient part of it all is that they’re attached to each other; you don’t have to go outside to go to the other one.
On Sunday I promised my wife to take her to all the malls so that she can shop at all the stores she can’t find her in Canada. I’m a very, very poor planner and forgot that Sunday was Easter Sunday in the States and pretty much every mall and any other thing in the city was closed. I felt like the I was worst that day, it was never my intention to not give her a chance to enjoy her shopping spree. I even whore my runners that day because I knew I was going to do a lot of walking. We found out that the place that didn’t close for the day was Pike Place Market and we went for a walk there and we found The First Starbucks! I was looking and hoping to find the rumored Trenta Size Cup but I had no luck, then we went for a walk along the pier.
On Monday I had the plan of leaving Seattle no later than 10 am so that we get home no later than 10 pm, get a god rest and back to work on Tuesday, but I wasn’t able to leave Seattle without giving my lovely wife her shopping experience. So we went to a couple of malls bright and early and we got on the road by 4 pm that day. A lot of coffee cups and red bull cans later we got to Calgary. It was a crazy experience. But well worth the almost 12 hours driving each way. I’m happy I got a chance to go and see that beautiful city and that I had a chance to do and visit all the places I had a chance to see. I would go back to Seattle any time, or even maybe buy a summer getaway condo there and do the rest of the things I missed out on.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sorry Mom...
I had all the intention of flaying down to Cancun, Quintana Roo then jump in the bus for 4 hours to get to Chetumal, Quintana Roo then jump in a Cab and go to my mom's house for mother’s day on May 10th (in Mexico, mother's day is always on May 10th) but unfortunately due to some problems with my work permit and finances I wasn't able to go see you and give you the best surprise I could've ever imagined to give you.
I know that it's been over 9 years since I spent a mother’s day with my mom, but it's not that I haven't been trying. It just hasn't been possible. but maybe things happen for a reason. on July 20th it's my mom's birthday and on the 25th it's my anniversary. My wife and I have been planning on going back to Mexico for our anniversary, but we just weren't sure if we were going down to her hometown of Culiacan, Sinaloa or my hometown of Mexicali, Baja California or to my mom's hometown which is also where I was raised and my friends there in Chetumal, Quinata Roo. We had options, but we just where not sure on what to do.
Now based on the current situation, I've agreed to meet my mom up in Mexicali, Baja California for her birthday. That way I can still be with my mom and rest of my family, friends and still give my wife a few days in Disneyland like we want to for our anniversary.
I just hope that it all goes as planned and that this time we are able to do what we want to. Also, I finally did it. I donated all of my old clothes to the Diabetes society. I went from using up half of my closet to one quarter of the space. Now I really have to do some shopping. I know I won’t be able to replace everything over night. But I will get new nicer things as time goes by and as finish taking care of all the legalities of status in this country. Herbal Magic weight loss has most definitely changed my life and I’m certain I wouldn’t have been able to do so by myself. I just can’t wait until I’m able to show my mom what I’ve been able to accomplish in just 8 months. 110 lbs down and only 10 more to go.
I know that it's been over 9 years since I spent a mother’s day with my mom, but it's not that I haven't been trying. It just hasn't been possible. but maybe things happen for a reason. on July 20th it's my mom's birthday and on the 25th it's my anniversary. My wife and I have been planning on going back to Mexico for our anniversary, but we just weren't sure if we were going down to her hometown of Culiacan, Sinaloa or my hometown of Mexicali, Baja California or to my mom's hometown which is also where I was raised and my friends there in Chetumal, Quinata Roo. We had options, but we just where not sure on what to do.
Now based on the current situation, I've agreed to meet my mom up in Mexicali, Baja California for her birthday. That way I can still be with my mom and rest of my family, friends and still give my wife a few days in Disneyland like we want to for our anniversary.
I just hope that it all goes as planned and that this time we are able to do what we want to. Also, I finally did it. I donated all of my old clothes to the Diabetes society. I went from using up half of my closet to one quarter of the space. Now I really have to do some shopping. I know I won’t be able to replace everything over night. But I will get new nicer things as time goes by and as finish taking care of all the legalities of status in this country. Herbal Magic weight loss has most definitely changed my life and I’m certain I wouldn’t have been able to do so by myself. I just can’t wait until I’m able to show my mom what I’ve been able to accomplish in just 8 months. 110 lbs down and only 10 more to go.
Meet MINI Charlie!
I can´t believe we already got a name! MINI Charlie it´s pretty darn cool. Not a lot of people know this but Carlos in English could be: Chuck, Charles, Charlie or Carl. So having a listener nominate Charlie as the name for my MINI was crazy! But the funny thing is that she had no clue that Carlos meant any of those names in English. She said that the name just came to her and I couldn't have chosen a better name for someone that is part of the family. My MINI.
For the last couple of days we’ve been hitting the streets pretty hard. Making sure you can find us in any place you can imagine. Deep in the south, or way out there in the north, we want to make sure you get a chance to see us and get your hands on some of the cool MINI freebees we have to pass on to you.
Sometimes I get a message on Facebook asking how much does it cost to get some of the stuff I’m giving away. I’m giving it away! So, it’s Free! Have no fear to wave me down and say hi next time you see me driving, MINI Charlie and I are always packing lots of freebees and we want to make sure you get your hands in some.
MINI Charlie was visiting this last weekend his friends at MINI Crowfoot and we had a chance to see all the options they offer to suit him up for this summer season. I’m personally more of a bike rider more than a camper over the summer. I saw the bike racks that they have and how easy it makes loading and unloading your bike because of the height of the vehicle. I won´t have a problem with my back because of lifting the bike over my head. And the best part of it all is that he still looks cool and I don’t have to worry about hitting everything on top of him while driving into park aides. And if unique-ing is more of your thing, the sky is the limit. Your MINI will be the only one of its kind and I can guarantee you there will be no other MINI like your MINI.

No, that is not MINI Charlie, it's one of his cousins that already has a Bike Rack on. and he is ready to hit the mountains.
Thank You Calgary. Now, Let's MINI!
For the last couple of days we’ve been hitting the streets pretty hard. Making sure you can find us in any place you can imagine. Deep in the south, or way out there in the north, we want to make sure you get a chance to see us and get your hands on some of the cool MINI freebees we have to pass on to you.
Sometimes I get a message on Facebook asking how much does it cost to get some of the stuff I’m giving away. I’m giving it away! So, it’s Free! Have no fear to wave me down and say hi next time you see me driving, MINI Charlie and I are always packing lots of freebees and we want to make sure you get your hands in some.
MINI Charlie was visiting this last weekend his friends at MINI Crowfoot and we had a chance to see all the options they offer to suit him up for this summer season. I’m personally more of a bike rider more than a camper over the summer. I saw the bike racks that they have and how easy it makes loading and unloading your bike because of the height of the vehicle. I won´t have a problem with my back because of lifting the bike over my head. And the best part of it all is that he still looks cool and I don’t have to worry about hitting everything on top of him while driving into park aides. And if unique-ing is more of your thing, the sky is the limit. Your MINI will be the only one of its kind and I can guarantee you there will be no other MINI like your MINI.

No, that is not MINI Charlie, it's one of his cousins that already has a Bike Rack on. and he is ready to hit the mountains.
Thank You Calgary. Now, Let's MINI!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Is that really me?
So close, but yet so far. That's how I currently feel but I understand why. I went to Herbal Magic weight loss today after work and got on the scale I'm only 10 lbs away. I have to accept that I´ve plateau. It's hard to accept, but it's all part of the process. I've lost so much weight and so fast that I have to give my body size (inches) a chance to catch up with my weight loss.
Also, since I'm working out I'm starting to lose inches in certain parts of my body (my belly) but gaining a few inches in other parts (my leg muscle) Since I'm running 2 miles a day. My leg muscle is starting to grow. I've lost 110 lbs so far, and I've lost 103 inches overall. My size loss is finally catching up to my weight loss. I know I will get to my goal before I even know it.
This weekend I have a wedding to go to and I was planning on getting my old suit fix. I thought it would be an easy fix, but then again, I'm not a tailor. I went to visit my tailor with my old suit in hand and my tailor laugh when I asked him if it was possible for him to fix it. His answer? “it would be easier for me to make you a new one from scratch, you've lost so much weight that this has chance for repair” I felt bad, because I bought that suit a while ago and I really liked it. Look at it, I looked good in it!

I had to accept that I had to buy a new suit and I went on a Suit mission. I ended up at The Bay, I asked if Bonnie Brooks was in the building I was really disappointed. I asked one of the guys there if he could help me find a suit. I had no clue of what size I had to buy now since my last one was my tux for my wedding. He measured me and pulled the one I liked from the rack. I tried it on and to my surprise and for the first time ever NOTHING had to get altered, it's like Perry Ellis used me as a Model for that suit. I don´t recall when was the last time I was able to wear a suit and didn't had to get any alterations! And I have to admit that a suit makes anyone look good. I couldn´t believe that was really me reflected in the mirror.
I will show you pictures of me in my new suit next wee after we get back from my friends wedding. You'll be the one to tell me if it looks good or not.
Tomorrow, I go again to Herbal Magic weight loss, and whatever the number in the scale is I know it's a better number than the one I saw 8 months ago. It is not and will never be 340 lbs ever again! One step closer to the real me. I'm finally getting a chance to look the way I feel. Bring it on summer!
Also, since I'm working out I'm starting to lose inches in certain parts of my body (my belly) but gaining a few inches in other parts (my leg muscle) Since I'm running 2 miles a day. My leg muscle is starting to grow. I've lost 110 lbs so far, and I've lost 103 inches overall. My size loss is finally catching up to my weight loss. I know I will get to my goal before I even know it.
This weekend I have a wedding to go to and I was planning on getting my old suit fix. I thought it would be an easy fix, but then again, I'm not a tailor. I went to visit my tailor with my old suit in hand and my tailor laugh when I asked him if it was possible for him to fix it. His answer? “it would be easier for me to make you a new one from scratch, you've lost so much weight that this has chance for repair” I felt bad, because I bought that suit a while ago and I really liked it. Look at it, I looked good in it!

I had to accept that I had to buy a new suit and I went on a Suit mission. I ended up at The Bay, I asked if Bonnie Brooks was in the building I was really disappointed. I asked one of the guys there if he could help me find a suit. I had no clue of what size I had to buy now since my last one was my tux for my wedding. He measured me and pulled the one I liked from the rack. I tried it on and to my surprise and for the first time ever NOTHING had to get altered, it's like Perry Ellis used me as a Model for that suit. I don´t recall when was the last time I was able to wear a suit and didn't had to get any alterations! And I have to admit that a suit makes anyone look good. I couldn´t believe that was really me reflected in the mirror.
I will show you pictures of me in my new suit next wee after we get back from my friends wedding. You'll be the one to tell me if it looks good or not.
Tomorrow, I go again to Herbal Magic weight loss, and whatever the number in the scale is I know it's a better number than the one I saw 8 months ago. It is not and will never be 340 lbs ever again! One step closer to the real me. I'm finally getting a chance to look the way I feel. Bring it on summer!
Room and lots of it!
This past Friday MINI and I decided that because of Mothers Day we had to do something to celebrate some very special Mom´s that probably weren’t expecting anything at all. We went to visit the Mom´s at the YWCA Mary Dover House but we could´t show up empty handed.
We made a few calls and brainstormed with the rest of the gang at the Energy Studios and decided to get flower arrangements for the Mom´s and our friends at Modern Petals (@ModernPetals) gave us a hand and donated all the MINI Themed Flower arrangements in 2 tone Pink Color. They were beautiful!

I had people say to me that there was no chance I was going to be able to pack all the flower arrangements in my MINI, but I decided I was going to prove them wrong. Once I got to Modern Petals (Dalhousie Station, #147 5005 Dalhousie Dr NW, Calgary, Alberta, T3A 5R8) I folded the back seats down and realized that I actually had room to spare! Check it out.

I still remember the look in some of the mom´s faces and to me that was priceless. I was unable to spent Mother´s day with my mom, but I knew that I had the chance to help some mom´s celebrate this special day in a way that I hope they don´t forget.

This week MINI get´s his name! If you still haven’t submitted a name you still have time to do so, go to and submit your name idea for my MINI and you could win the MINI experience for a whole weekend with a night stay at the Stoney Nakoda Resort. It would be an experience like no other.
We made a few calls and brainstormed with the rest of the gang at the Energy Studios and decided to get flower arrangements for the Mom´s and our friends at Modern Petals (@ModernPetals) gave us a hand and donated all the MINI Themed Flower arrangements in 2 tone Pink Color. They were beautiful!

I had people say to me that there was no chance I was going to be able to pack all the flower arrangements in my MINI, but I decided I was going to prove them wrong. Once I got to Modern Petals (Dalhousie Station, #147 5005 Dalhousie Dr NW, Calgary, Alberta, T3A 5R8) I folded the back seats down and realized that I actually had room to spare! Check it out.

I still remember the look in some of the mom´s faces and to me that was priceless. I was unable to spent Mother´s day with my mom, but I knew that I had the chance to help some mom´s celebrate this special day in a way that I hope they don´t forget.

This week MINI get´s his name! If you still haven’t submitted a name you still have time to do so, go to and submit your name idea for my MINI and you could win the MINI experience for a whole weekend with a night stay at the Stoney Nakoda Resort. It would be an experience like no other.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
This last week we were taking donations for the Calgary Food Bank and it made me realize that my MINI it's only MINI by name because, man can it pack a lot of things! Even during my weekend events, when the station is broadcasting from a live location around calgary, I was surprise I was able to pack all our gear, both promotional and broadcasting gear, into my MINI...
When people ask me: how cool is the car? I have no better way for them to realize how cool it is than by actually getting in and seeing it with their own eyes and I think I just found the perfect video for it. You honestly have to see it, and if you get goosebumps just like I do, you really should be driving a MINI.
This Friday MINI and I will do a little visit to the mom's at the YWCA, we are excited to help them celebrate and remimd them how special they really are.
I can't wait for the next MINI Club of Calgary get-together. We are hitting the roads to go to Banff, It'll be like: WOOHOO!!! I will keep you updated what the route will be for you to take a few minutes and see the caravan of MINI's around Calgary.
You still have a few days left to help me find the right name for my MINI, I'm starting to wonder what would his name be... I think that his name should be something cool, something catchy but at the same time fun... I know, I'm not making this any easier for you. Go to and nominate your name. You might win the MINI experience for a weekend. It'll be a weekend you will never forget.
When people ask me: how cool is the car? I have no better way for them to realize how cool it is than by actually getting in and seeing it with their own eyes and I think I just found the perfect video for it. You honestly have to see it, and if you get goosebumps just like I do, you really should be driving a MINI.
This Friday MINI and I will do a little visit to the mom's at the YWCA, we are excited to help them celebrate and remimd them how special they really are.
I can't wait for the next MINI Club of Calgary get-together. We are hitting the roads to go to Banff, It'll be like: WOOHOO!!! I will keep you updated what the route will be for you to take a few minutes and see the caravan of MINI's around Calgary.
You still have a few days left to help me find the right name for my MINI, I'm starting to wonder what would his name be... I think that his name should be something cool, something catchy but at the same time fun... I know, I'm not making this any easier for you. Go to and nominate your name. You might win the MINI experience for a weekend. It'll be a weekend you will never forget.
Life Happens...
I feel HORRIBLE! For the last couple of weeks I’ve been super busy with projects at the station… by the time I get to go home my Herbal Magic weight loss clinic is already closed. And instead of being there by my usual 3 or 4 times a week I’ve only managed to go there once this week!
I’m not usually this busy but the girls at Herbal Magic weight loss understand that life happens, and even though I haven’t been in for my consultation I try my best to stay on track with my meals and my water intake.
So far in seven and a half months I’ve lost 112 pounds. 112! I’m only 8 lbs away from my weight goal. I don’t weight 340 lbs any more, I’m no longer wearing 52 inch pants; I’m no longer using XXL shirts! I honestly feel on cloud 9 - So many changes happened so fast, it seems like this is all a dream.
I get to go to Herbal Magic on Saturday and if I’m not closer to my goal weight I know it’s not the end of the world; I just have to be patient and keep doing what I’m suppose to be doing. Just focus, eat healthy, the right portions, work out and drink lots and lots of water.
How is your journey going? Remember that a bump on the road is just that, a bump on the road. It might slow you down but it won’t stop you. It takes more than that to stop us, especially when we are doing this together.
I’m not usually this busy but the girls at Herbal Magic weight loss understand that life happens, and even though I haven’t been in for my consultation I try my best to stay on track with my meals and my water intake.
So far in seven and a half months I’ve lost 112 pounds. 112! I’m only 8 lbs away from my weight goal. I don’t weight 340 lbs any more, I’m no longer wearing 52 inch pants; I’m no longer using XXL shirts! I honestly feel on cloud 9 - So many changes happened so fast, it seems like this is all a dream.
I get to go to Herbal Magic on Saturday and if I’m not closer to my goal weight I know it’s not the end of the world; I just have to be patient and keep doing what I’m suppose to be doing. Just focus, eat healthy, the right portions, work out and drink lots and lots of water.
How is your journey going? Remember that a bump on the road is just that, a bump on the road. It might slow you down but it won’t stop you. It takes more than that to stop us, especially when we are doing this together.
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