Wednesday, July 9, 2008

SOF - Day 2

I remember that Khazma asked me if I puked on day 1... I thought it was a funny comment, since I've only (since that day) seen it happen in movies... Never seen it happen to any of my friends or to my self... but... then there was day 2...

I remember rushing thru traffic to make it there on time, because if you are not there on time they'll make the rest of your SOF team make Burpies (I'm not sure how to spell it) They sound Funny.... but there is nothing to laugh about once to start doing them...

I drank probably 2 litters of water just on the drive there since I was thirsty... and the drive was only about 10- 15 minutes long. I made it there on time, but.. as soon as I started warming up I felt... How can I say this... sick?!?!

It was probably half way thru the 500 sit-ups and the 500 push-ups that we had to do for that day (don't ask me how many did I actually manage to finish) 'till I knew what Khaz was talking about... So came out the water...

My instructor told me to walk it off... But I decided to push my self a little harder for a little longer... My Mom didn't raise no quitter!!!... and so came out more water... I was asked again to walk it off if I felt like it... but I pushed longer and harder 'till we got the drill done.

During warm-up I noticed that I actually ran longer that I did on day 1... That's why I think that slowly I'm becoming an actual Soldier Of Fitness.

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